The Y2K Bug

The Government's Biggest Psyop Yet

Meltdown or Takeover?

What They WANT You to Think

You can't go anywhere without hearing about the pending Y2K apocolypse. Even the traditional 'media' is paying attention to this threat.

The claim: The geniuses in power wanted to save a few extra bucks worth of memory space, so their software represented years with two digits instead of four. When the clock strikes midnight on the eve of the new millenium and the code reads '00', software all over the world will crash. Planes will fall out of the sky. Bank accounts will zero out. The power grids will shut down. In short: pandemonium.


But what if that's just what they want us to think. What if its all just a cover so the government can conduct a digital purge. Think about it. It's the perfect excuse to erase records and rewrite history. We could be witnessing the dawn of a new world order.

It would also be the perfect opportunity for the CIA to conduct a worldwide psyop. We already know the depravity these organizations resorted to in the MKUltra program. They dosed unwitting prisoners, hospital patients, and other American citizens with LSD just to see what would happen. Its not a leap to think they'd want to see how we react to a cyber meltdown.

Panic in Pine Hollow

While some folks in town dismiss Y2K as an overblown hysteria, others aren't taking any chances. Folks are hoarding canned goods, withdrawing cash, and even prepping "doomsday bunkers." The local hardware store has reported a surge in generator sales, and rumor has it a few residents have even taken to burying valuables in their backyards.

Of course, many others believe the threat is exaggerated. Jim Jones predicted nuclear apocalypse in 1967; the "Children of God" thought the world would end in 1974; and Heaven's Gate said it would come crashing down in 1997. The millenium is just the latest convenient date for doomsdayers to plant their apocalyptic flag.

Come January 1st, we'll either be laughing at our paranoia, or scrambling to survive in the dark. Until then, I plan to at least keep a flashlight handy.

Y2K Prepper

"Laugh all you want, but when the clocks strike midnight, I'll be sitting on a stockpile of canned beans and bottled water while the rest of you are looting the supermarket."