Hollow Hellhound

The Pine Hollow Hellhound

Omen of Doom or Guardian of Secrets?

Hollow Hellhound

The Beast in the Shadows

Every kid who's sat around a campfire has heard the tale of the monstrous, wolf-like creature that prowls the outskits of town. The Hollow Hellhound, as it has come to be known, is described as an enourmoust black beast with glowing red eyes and a bone-chilling snarl.

Digging through historical eye witness reports, I've found that most sightings occur at the edge of the forest. An unlucky few, however, swear the beast followed them through town. Its footsteps unnaturally quiet as it stalks its prey.

Harbringer of Misfortune

The legend of the Hollow Hellhound is more than a ghost story. Those who claim to have encountered the beast often speak of tragedy striking soon after. Mysterious disappearances, sudden deaths, and violent murders have been linked to sightings of the creature.

Some believe it serves as a warning, appearing before calamity strikes. Others fear its not just an omen of misfortune, but the cause of it.

Supernatural Sentinel?

Despite its terrifying reputation, some stories cast it as a force for good. When little Billy Jenkins got lost in the woods, he claimed the hulking shadow watched over him and protected him from some evil force in that forest.

Could the Hollow Hellhound be a protector, keeping something even darker at bay? Does it just have a soft spot for kids? Or does it simply like to play with its food?

Whether an omen, a monster, or something else entirely-the Hollow Hellhound remains one of Pine Hollow's most chilling mysteries. Those who've seen it rarely speak of it openly. Those who haven't, hope they never do.

Quincy R.

"People say the Hellhound is a bad omen, by my grandma said it only shows up when something worse is coming. Like a warning. If you see those red eyes in the dark, don't run. Listen."